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Termination of Operation

It is time for us to bid you farewell.

Founded in 2015 with the support of a history-making 3,300 Hong Kongers, the establishment of the FactWire News Agency was a remarkable feat, and a dream come true.

For the past six years, we have done our best to keep this publicly-funded investigative news agency afloat in Hong Kong, whilst adhering to the highest standards of journalistic integrity. Through the ups and downs, we have always kept our mission – and our principles – near and dear to our hearts.

We were bold. We encountered obstacles. We overcame them. Once or twice, we lost our way. But every step we took, we took in the hope of honestly earning the trust of our readers. We hope we did.

At one point, FactWire downsized to just two employees. But thanks to the continual and generous support of you, the public, we were able to navigate our dire financial straits. We continued to strive to do our very best in pursuit of truth.

In recent years, the media has contended with great change. Despite having wrestled many times with the difficult decision as to whether to continue our journalistic work, we had always come to the same affirmative conclusion: to stand fast to our core values and beliefs, and to always report the facts.

But to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose. It has, at last, come time to end our journey.

We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to:
All those who trusted and supported us, who gave us the drive to continue our work
All those who offered their criticism and scrutiny, who motivated us to become better journalists
All those who have worked with us. It is our honour to have been witnesses to, and scribes of Hong Kong’s history with you.

The FactWire News Agency will cease operation as of today, Friday, June 10, 2022. All staff will be dismissed in accordance with pre-established procedures. All monthly subscriptions will also be suspended as of today. 

Take care.

FactWire News Agency